Monday, December 17, 2012

A Sign of an Imminent Deal? Deletes Fiscal Cliff Page

    Last Thursday evening, launched a new page on its website dedicated to the "Fiscal Cliff" and attacking the GOP Congress for their plan.  The page went live right after the President met with Speaker Boehner, but over the next three days, the page was never linked from the home page, on the @BarackObama Twitter account, or in an Obama for America email that I could find.

    Now the page has been completely removed from the site:

    It is still available in a cached version here [cache expired; screencaps here.]

    As I mentioned in my original post, the page included a rather unflattering portrayal of the GOP's positions on the issues, including:
  • Guts investments in education and other areas vital to rebuilding our economic future in the name of lower taxes for the most fortunate families.
  • Have proposed deep cuts in Medicare.
  • Would use the threat of damaging the full faith and credit of the U.S. government to force more spending cuts next year.
Is it possible the president's talks with Boehner have been promising enough that the Obama team rethought the wisdom of launching such a broadside and scuttling a possible agreement?

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