Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What $40 Means, Revisited

    In February, I wrote about the White House's "What $40 Means" campaign.  Americans were urged to submit their stories about what a $40 per paycheck difference would make in their lives when the Social Security Tax holiday was up for debate.  Here are just a few of those responses:

$40 a week is half of my family's grocery budget.
B.H., North Waterboro, ME  
$40 means that I can be able to help my mother pay for her prescriptions since she was denied medical assistance and is on SS.
E.M., Maplewood, MN  
$40 for me is about a week's grocery money!
S.Z, Cave Creek, AZ  
$40 a paycheck helps me pay for a week of lunch for my daughter at school.
E.D., Ranch Santa Margarita, CA 

With that in mind, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently weighed in, if somewhat unintentionally, with her response:

From News Maker Today:  "A smiling Mrs Clinton got up and danced the rumba as the band played a series of Cuban tunes before her group left the venue, leaving a $40 tip, the newspaper said."

I'm inclined to think this one won't make the cut at the White House's website.

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