Saturday, May 16, 2015

An Interview With Hillary Clinton

     Since Hillary Clinton officially announced her second run for the White House, the press has only managed to elicit thirteen answers from the Democratic frontrunner. As a handy reference, I set up a Twitter account called Hillary Answers with each of her thirteen answers in a tweet. But as long as Mrs. Clinton is avoiding talking to the press, I figured why not use this resource to conduct an interview in absentia?
     What follows is how an interview might go if Mrs. Clinton agreed to sit down with Speak With Authority:

Speak With Authority: Madame Secretary, thanks for providing some answers for this faux interview even though you're not really here. I think it's a wonderful idea.

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: Let's start off with the Clinton Foundation. Lots of controversy about foreign donations, influence, and speeches by you and your husband involving companies and foreign governments that also lobbied the State Department when you were Secretary of State. Isn't there at least an appearance of impropriety?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: But it's not just your opponents that have raised these questions. Even some Democrats are concerned about the apparent conflicts of interest.

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: What is it then that you are going to make this campaign about? Have you got a plan?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: But your website still doesn't have an "issues" page. When will you spell out what is important to you and what you plan to do as president?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: Well, how about foreign policy? Do you have any regrets about the "Russian Reset" or policies regarding Libya, Iran, or the Middle East in general?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: That sounds familiar... where have I heard that before?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: Do you feel that the fact that you and your husband made $30 million since the beginning of 2014 helps or hurts your ability to connect with the average voter?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: So you believe the financial success of you and your husband demonstrates that "you can get ahead and you can stay ahead"?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: There are some who say your "Scooby van" trip to Iowa was just a glorified sight-seeing trip that lacked substance and allowed you to avoid hard-hitting interviews like this one. Is that true?

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: That's all the time we have for now, mostly because I'm having trouble coming up with questions that fit one of your answers. But I trust this interview was not too uncomfortable and we'll be sitting down in person with you very soon.

Secretary Clinton:

Speak With Authority: When do you think that in-person interview might be?

 Secretary Clinton:

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